I pushed my cock hard into Mom’s back and inserted my finger further into her mouth as if it was a cock seeking the bottom of her pussy. For a long couple of minutes I kept that up. My finger sliding slowly in and out of her mouth, hand pulsing over her right tit as if I was squishing a bulb, and my cock rubbing up and down her back. This was insane. Unbelievable. Squeezing my mom’s tit, fingering her mouth and dry-humping her back with my father snoring less than ten feet away. Holy fuck.It was the sudden snort from Dad that changed everything. Mom jerked upright, hunching over and turning away from Dad to sit sideways on the bench seat. I jerked my head in absolute fear to look at my father, leaning back on bent knees but hunched forward, my bare cock sticking out above the waistband of my pajamas. He was changing his position, turning on his side, facing toward us. His eyes were closed, but they could open at any minute. Move! Turn away. Get out! Why couldn’t I move?“Brush my. Today is Randy's birthday and they clean up the house before he gets home.4:00pm Friday NightNarrativeMaggie is in her bedroom shoving a plastic bag of various dildos under her bed. "I can't believe Mark left all these," she comments to Trish who is hiding the scepters in her closet."I can't believe all the lewd things we did in the last 24 hours," she comments back to Maggie."I know, I never had done anything like that before," agreed Maggie."Where did you say you girls knew Mark?" asked Trish."Why he was a friend of the family, just like a brother." Maggie stopped in mid sentence with a vague look on her face. The vague look turns to a horrified look as she continues, "I can't remember. I can't even remember what he looks like." Me neither," says Trish. "I have been trying to put a face to him for the last half an hour."Did we get any pictures of him?" Maggie asks."Except for the first few pictures of ourselves, he took them all." Can you remember his license plate, what state it.
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